Body Art Tattoos,3D Tattoos, Zodiac Tattoo, Gemini Tattoo, Aries Tattoo, Devil Tattoo, Darkness Tattoo,fairy tattoos, dragon tattoo, 3D Tattoos, Zodiac Tattoo, Gemini Tattoo, Aries Tattoo, Devil Tattoo, Darkness Tattoo,Choosing a tattoo can be extremely hard especially when you consider how long-term they really are

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

A Saturday Evening Party

I was hired to paint at a birthday party this evening, only it wasn't a children's party.  Some couples were getting together for the adults' birthdays, and wanted to keep the kids entertained.  I'd painted these beautiful girls before, at the McFaul Environmental Center in Wyckoff, when I was there for Bergen County's annual Cabbage Night Festival.  Their mom showed me a photo from that day, and

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